If a book ever deserved to be bound in soft, supple, deep black leather, then this is it!
Open its pages and, just like the Jumanji board game in the 1995 film of the same title, all kinds of wonderful things fly out…the whiff of Castrol R, the sound of the juke box at the Ace Cafe and the smell of brand new racing leathers.

Printed in Japan to the very highest standards, and written in both English and Japanese, this superb square-format hardback contains numerous evocative black and white images from the rock and roll years reproduced on the highest-quality glossy paper I have ever felt!
Written by Rin Tanaka with the help of Lewis Leathers Director Derek Harris, the book also uniquely features scores of historic items from the Lewis Leathers clothing range which Derek has painstakingly put together over 25 years.
These range from 1920s-40s flying and motoring kit to the leather jackets and racing suits so fondly remembered from the golden era of the 1950s and 60s and beyond.
Rarely have I seen such outstanding photographic reproduction as has been attained in this 242-page coffee table masterpiece – but it doesn’t end there, for there are innumerable old advertisements; colour sections showing everything from the evolution of zips from the early-to-mid 1930s to the mid-to-late 1960s; the covers of old catalogues; vintage labels and patches; Aviakit wear; helmets; a wonderful spread of colourful 1960s front covers from Motor Cycle and Motor Cycle Mechanics; metal brooch badges for jacket customisation; and a 22-page colour section about the 59 Club entitled A Rocker’s Diary, 1967-1968.
Read more in the April issue of OBM – on sale now!