Welcome to Old Bike Mart, the subscription-only newspaper with the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classified ads.

This month’s OBM, as always is the case, features the latest news, reports from the racetrack, part and tool reviews and ‘how to’ guides. Ensure you get your copy by subscribing to OBM here.
We call OBM the autojumble in your armchair, which it is… but there’s so much more to this publication. It’s like meeting an old friend for a walk down memory lane, with plenty of laughs thrown in and some evocative pictures to mull over.
Here’s a look inside the pages of the new October issue…
Japanese V-twins: Marusho
This month Steve Cooper looks at Marusho’s V-twin, which might have been so much more had the company not set out to emulate BMW.
Big Bike Sunday
This is an event that does just what it says on the tin – and more – as Brian Sanderson explains.
Barry’s Big Blown Brough
Few motorcycles had such an illustrious career as one particular Brough, as John Milton reveals.
Alde Valley Classics
John Milton pays homage to the church of the motorcycle – and supports real churches in the bargain.
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