Welcome to Old Bike Mart, the subscription-only newspaper with the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classified ads.

This month’s OBM, as always is the case, features the latest news, reports from the racetrack, part and tool reviews and ‘how to’ guides. Ensure you get your copy by subscribing to OBM here.
We call OBM the autojumble in your armchair, which it is… but there’s so much more to this publication. It’s like meeting an old friend for a walk down memory lane, with plenty of laughs thrown in and some evocative pictures to mull over.
Here’s a look inside the pages of the new November issue…
Japanese V-twins: Yamaha 250s
Yamaha has always had something of a thing for twin-cylinder motorcycles. However, unlike some of their rivals, a handful of the V-twins have been of lower capacity and, thereby, more accessible. We will, in due course, get to Yamaha’s seminal Virago 750, but before that let’s take a peek at three tiddler twins.
The Three Moors Run
Classic ‘Tiddler Runs’ have always been popular, but in a few short years Giro South West’s Three Moors Run has established itself as the premier event of this kind in the United Kingdom. Alida van Ham reports on this year’s event, while David Martin captures the action.
All hail the BSA Bantam: Everybody’s Motorcycle
This year is the 75th anniversary of the BSA Bantam and to mark the event, we asked for your memories of ‘everybody’s motorcycle’… and those recollections flooded in from everywhere, even from as far away as the other side of the world.
Heskeths flock to Easton Neston
It was the recreation of an iconic photo shoot. Tim Bolton was there to take some snaps and scribble the notes.
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