Welcome to Old Bike Mart, the subscription-only newspaper with the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classified ads.

This month’s OBM, as always is the case, features the latest news, reports from the racetrack, part and tool reviews and ‘how to’ guides. Ensure you get your copy by subscribing to OBM here.
We call OBM the autojumble in your armchair, which it is… but there’s so much more to this publication. It’s like meeting an old friend for a walk down memory lane, with plenty of laughs thrown in and some evocative pictures to mull over.
Here’s a look inside the pages of the new January issue…
Yamaha Virago
Steve Cooper has skirted around the subject so far, but this month he’s going large on Yamaha factory customs – yes, it’s proper Virago time!
The Vincent Black Shadow at 75
2023 was the 75th birthday of the Vincent Black Shadow. Alas, due to space, we are marking this momentous occasion just a little belatedly, with help from David Wright, the author of ‘100 Years of the Manx Grand Prix’.
Ardingly Classic Bike Show and Jumble
One of the final shows of the year was beset by a few heavy autumn showers, but Brian Crichton was undaunted by a drop of rain.
It’s a Fair Kop!
Dave Dixon could have just taken some photos and reported on the renowned Kop Hill Climb, but where’s the fun in that? Instead, our intrepid correspondent decided to have a go…
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