I read in your notes of the request to show us your sheds.
The first photo shows the lean-to that I put on my shed.
I used the existing neighbour’s fence and put plastic on the side and built a roof also covered in plastic.
In October I decided to enclose it using 8 x 4 marine ply and made my own doors etc.

The second picture shows it, at present, with a motorcycle under a cover.
I can’t really show you my shed, it has to be seen to be believed.
We live in a small terraced house that used to be a two-up, two-down with outside toilet when we bought it in 1976, we currently have eight motorcycles at home.
Yesterday I collected my T100 from my brother-in-law’s house.

I left it there for him to use but since building in the lean-to I had room for it, it’s not the T100 under the cover.
The extension is called “the shed end.” The T100 picture is taken at my mate Scag’s business, I bought the Norton from Scag (Alan Scargill).

Tomorrow, Friday the 13th, will be 40 years to the day that I bought the T100 for £150.
Fred and Jean
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