While many folk with classic motorcycles are just running fuel through their ageing carbs with little or no thought to how it might affect the running of their machinery – and often with no issues – some folk are looking into things a little closer.
There’s little doubt that modern petroleum does have an effect on certain components, and this is clearly something that’ll become more of a problem in the future.
Fortunately, for those who want to be prepared and overcome any potential (and actual) problems, Paul Ireland has written this 152-page A5 book that aims to cover all of the issues that modern fuels can give, particularly to ageing classic cars and motorcycles.

While many of us will be relying on hearsay and advice from friends with regard to what fuel we use, whether we use any additives and what parts we choose to replace, if any, being fully informed on the subject can allow us to justifiably ignore any of the pub or internet ‘experts’ who might offer advice such as ‘just add a dash of transmission fluid to the petrol and wave a magnet under the carb…’
It’s priced at £15.99 and available fromwww.velocebooks.com or www.veloce.co.uk
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