Thanks for the great article on the art of the technical illustrators (April edition).
These type of illustrations have fascinated me for as long as I can remember – from looking at my dad’s Blue ’uns and Green ’uns in the early ’50s, right through to buying my own magazines in my mid-late teens, and even now I marvel at how they achieve this level of accuracy and, well, ‘beauty’.

You even featured an illustration of an engine very close to my own heart… I had bought a new Yamaha YDS3 in March 1965 from Comerfords, Thames Ditton.

And then, lo!, the very next month’s Motorcycle featured a very praiseworthy article on the bike by the respected Vic Willoughby and illustrated by the Dick Ellis cutaway drawing that you have featured.
I would LOVE to be able to get hold of a copy of this one – are they available from Mortons?

I’ve just purchased a magnificent example of this exact iconic bike from the US, a 1965 model and virtually identical to my original, and I am now in the process of polishing it up to register and ride.
My other bike was owned by my late father, erstwhile trials rider Cliff Brown – a totally original 1960 BSA C15T, currently being restored by a friend who is more skilled than I am!
Thanks for a great read each month, eagerly awaited!

Barry C Brown
As Barry now knows, the images are, indeed, available from the Mortons archive – have a look at
Read more Letters, Opinion, News and Features at and in the June 2020 issue of Old Bike Mart – on sale now!