I thought you might like to hear a bit of good news. When my Ambassador Supreme was stolen last May, OBM was very helpful spreading the word and asking folk to keep an eye open for it.

Others were equally supportive and it was good to feel ‘biker solidarity’.
Dave, a friend, neighbour and biker who is also a social media follower, had been keeping an eye open. On a Tuesday night in March he got a message from someone who said they had it and were about six miles from me and would I collect it on Wednesday…
Silly question – we collected it and it’s now back home, very little the worse for wear, just a bit of surface rust and mud.
The chap we met was rather vague about how his friend (surprisingly not available!) got it and he didn’t want any reimbursement. He just wanted us to take it away. It was bizarre, but I didn’t ask too much, just thanked him and was happy to get my bike back. It’s one of my oddest experiences.
Again, your sympathy and help in publishing details was much appreciated.
Mike Lee
PS. I better get it going now!