Subscribe to the UK’s largest classic classifieds newspaper, and have the Old Bike Mart posted to you for the first Saturday of every month. Old Bike Mart carries many hundreds of private classifieds and hundreds of trade adverts – featuring a massive selection of classic motorcycles. If you are looking for spares or that new project bike then Old Bike Mart is the must-have newspaper for you, and if you are looking to sell – an advert in OBM will ensure a quick sale from the many thousands of monthly readers. OBM also contains show news & reviews, product news and a highly detailed jumble events calendar.

Deputy Group Advertising Manager
Tom Lee | 01507 529529 | [email protected]
Group Advertising Manager
Sue Keily | 01507 529361 | [email protected]
Sandra Fisher | [email protected]
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Magazine Information
Format: Tabloid newspaper
Average pagination: 56 pages
Frequency: First Saturday of every month
Availability: Subscription only (Print and digital)