I was struggling to read the June issue, having just got back from having some swarf excavated from my eye at the local hospital (by the most delightful young lady!) and I chanced upon the Stafford Show report.
On page 42, centre right, was a machine finished in brown, a machine of such outstanding AWESOMENESS, with such fearsome get-up-and-go that it had to be strapped down like a wild beast!
This was exciting enough, but when my hazy vision cleared a bit, I started to dribble with unrestrained lust! It was an Atlas!
I bought an Atlas engine (142.5cc, two-stroke, 1923) from Founder’s Day a while back, built it into a period push-bike and got it on the road a couple of years ago.

The only complete one that I’ve heard of so far was advertised in Real Classics in April 2014 and subsequently went to the National Motorcycle Museum. Is this the same one, or is there another wild Atlas on the loose out there?
Does any reader know of others lurking anywhere, waiting to terrorise unsuspecting victims? If so, approach with caution (and degreaser).
Derek Langdon
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